24 March 2014

Cardinal Dolan on the Spirit of Lent

“This time of the year, these forty days of preparation for Holy Week and Easter, I often hear folks over fifty-five or so reminisce about how Lent ‘used-to-be.’

“‘Remember the tuna casseroles and grilled cheese sandwiches?’

“‘I used to long for Sunday when I could have a piece of the candy I had given-up for Lent.’

“‘Did I ever love the Stations of the Cross on Friday.’ . . '.

“‘And remember how we used to so enjoy Easter, after forty days of sacrifice and penance; it was like we were entering a new life and the sun of spring with Jesus risen.’

“A lot of that these days, what I call ‘used-to-be Lent.’

“Because, I wonder if we’ve lost it . . . has Lent become a thing of the past?”

In a recent commentary, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York, reflected on whether we, as a Church, have lost the wonder of Lent and how Lent is now needed more than ever.

To access Cardinal Dolan’s complete post, please visit:

The Gospel in the Digital Age: A “Used-to-be” Lent

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