16 March 2017

Joseph McDaniel on Making the Cut

"At this time of year, finding an empty sports field is a difficult task. With winter sports winding down, the tryout season has begun for sports such as baseball, rugby, lacrosse, and track. Students endeavor to show their skills and make the team, and to share in the camaraderie, adrenaline, and hope for victory that each sport expresses in a unique way. Unfortunately, there will be many who will walk away from these tryouts disappointed. When large numbers of aspiring players compete for a limited number of spots, it is inevitable that some will show more skill than others. Some will be invited to play, while others will be asked to try out again next year.

"During this Lenten season, we may also be hoping to undertake a rigorous program of spiritual spring training. Indeed, there is much to be commended about stretching ourselves spiritually during Lent. If one of the primary aims of our spiritual life is to become the best version ourselves as God made us to be, this will often involve challenging ourselves to turn from habits and perspectives that prevent us from reaching our fullest potential."

In a recent commentary, Joseph McDaniel, an OSFS seminarian, reflected on how, in our spiritual lives, we are not competing for a limited number of places on a team, but that the evaluation will be on "the way in which we played the game."

To access Mr. McDaniel's complete post, please visit:

Oblates of St. Francis de Sales: Making the Cut (16 MAR 17)

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