12 July 2017

Br. Isidore Rice, O.P., on Simplicity of Heart

"Often today, we value complexity. Blockbuster movies have thousands of names in the credits, develop twisting plots and subplots, and make use the most advanced cameras and special effects. Likewise the best electronic devices today are composed of billions of tiny components, constructed by a series of precise techniques, which run a whole range of programs, each written in thousands of lines of computer code. These devices seem ever more necessary in order to manage our busy schedules, keep track of long lists of contacts, and live our complicated lives.

"On the other hand, God is not complex. He is not composed of many different parts, elements, or qualities, but, as He revealed to Moses, He is quite simple: 'I am who am.'

"In God, many things which for us are distinct, composed, and sometimes even in seeming conflict are united, one, and simple. For example, we experience time as so many moments of past, present, and future, but God knows all creation in one eternal present. Further, for us there is justice and mercy, humility and power, identity and existence, but in God these are all one: 'I am who am.'"

In a recent commentary, Brother Isidore Rice, O.P., reflected on the invitation of Jesus to learn from the simplicity of His meek and humble heart.

To access Br. Isidore's complete post, please visit:

Dominicana: A Simple Heart (10 JUL 17)

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