08 July 2017

Ruth Baker on Some Benefits of Going to Adoration More Often

"The Eucharist is described in the catechism as the 'source and summit' of our faith. Finding the time to go to Adoration can be difficult. But if you can make it happen, committing to regular Adoration with an open heart can have some surprising results. . . .

"In today's culture, the idea of interior progress is drastically undervalued; many times it's considered a waste of time or something from our naive ancestors. Usually, only exterior and more palpable progress is worth anything. The main difference between the two (material and spiritual) is that material progress remains outside of you. It will offer you certain positive sensations, yet it is always colored with a fleeting and inconsistent kind of occurrence. An interior progress, on the other hand, means that it is you who are changed."

In one of her commentaries, writer Ruth Baker reflected on benefits one may receive when he/she goes to adoration more often. These benefits include developing a sense of awe and wonder, experiencing peace in other areas of one's life, realizing that God has a sense of humor, and becoming more aware of one's blessings.

To access Ms. Baker's complete post, please visit:

CatholicLink: 10 Surprising Things That Happen When You Go To Adoration More Often (7 OCT 15)

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