18 July 2017

On the Cause of the La Florida Mission Martyrs

"A small group of Catholic faithful in Florida never imagined that a simple inquiry into a mysterious plot of land in Tallahassee would reinvigorate a dream shared over three centuries by the king of Spain, two popes and U.S. bishops: the canonization of a great treasury of native and missionary martyrs in the U.S.

"More than 1,000 Catholics, priests, religious and lay faithful - both European and Native American - associated with the Spanish mission territory of La Florida shed their blood for the Catholic faith from Florida all the way to Virginia from 1549 to 1763.

"The cause of the La Florida Mission martyrs has passed its own May 31 deadline to gather the historical evidence documenting 43 martyrdom events, which include Jesuits, Dominicans, Franciscans, but also more than 100 Native American laymen, women and children whose final testimony to Jesus Christ is as noble and heroic as the martyrs of the early Church - these known individuals could end up recognized as canonized martyrs."

A recent National Catholic Register article reported on the the canonization process for these and other North American martyrs.

To access the complete National Catholic Register report, please visit:

National Catholic Register: Hundreds of Martyrs Sow the Seeds of Faith in the United States (14 JUL 17)

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