25 May 2019

Sherry Antonetti on the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist

". . . If we thought the Eucharist were truly the body and blood, soul and divinity of our Lord, Jesus Christ, we would stay. We would worship. We would praise. We would adore. If we really considered, beyond an intellectual understanding, the reality of that reality we profess every time we say the Creed, every time we participate in the Mass, we would weep at this gift. No one would be able to keep us from singing. No one would be able to get us to cease marveling at what God has done.

"But we forget. Sometimes we forget while speaking, other times while walking back to the pew or into the parking lot. We do not allow ourselves to entertain the reality we profess too deeply. Our Lord has made clear that he is not offering us a symbol or a metaphor or a simile. He is not giving us a way to remember him, but to know him intimately. . . ."

In a recent commentary, writer Sherry Antonetti reflected on some of the ramifications of the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.

To access Ms. Antonetti's complete post, please visit:

National Catholic Register: Blogs: Sherry Antonetti: The Most Holy Eucharist is More Than a Symbol (24 MAY 19)

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