14 July 2019

Msgr. Pope on Rediscovering the "Plot" of Sacred Scripture

"One of the most significant losses in the modern era is that the biblical narrative is no longer in the hearts and minds of most people. Scripture is the history of the human family, told in story form by God Himself. He tells us how and why we were made and why, as well as what happened to make things the way they are today. Why do we experience infinite longing though we live in a finite world? Why do we struggle with sin? How can we be rescued from sin and death? How can we find true satisfaction? The biblical narrative answers all these questions and more.

"The biblical story or narrative mediates reality to us in a memorable way. God, like any good father, tells us our story and asks us to pass it on to our own children. To know our story is to understand ourselves in relation to God, the world, and others.

"And what a story it is! It has more passion, conflict, and drama than any great epic. Although it has been called 'the greatest story ever told,' most people no longer know the details of the story. As a result, they are detached from the reality the story mediates. Many are adrift in a world of little meaning - or competing 'meanings'  - with no way to sort it all out. They have few answers to the most basic questions about the meaning of life, the role and meaning of suffering, our ultimate destiny, and so forth. Without the story, life loses its meaning."

In a recent commentary, Monsignor Charles Pope (pastor of Holy Comforter-Saint Cyprian Parish, Washington, DC) reflected on the importance of rediscovering the "central element of the 'plot' of Sacred Scripture: sin" and talking about it, creatively, in a compelling way. In doing so, he states, we will "once again set forth a riveting story and help people to rediscover the greatest story ever told."

To access Msgr. Pope's complete post, please visit:

 Community in Mission: Rediscovering the "Plot" of Sacred Scripture Is Essential to Evangelization (9 JUL 19)

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