18 April 2021

Msgr. Pope on Qualities Manifest by the Apostles after Pentecost

"It is worthwhile to look back at a text that was read on Saturday (Saturday of the Octave of Easter). It is from Acts and sets forth a picture of courage and holy boldness that is too little evident in many Catholics. Let's look at the passage, which takes place just after the healing of the paralyzed man at the gate called beautiful. And then let's reflect on four qualities that the Apostles Peter and John manifest."

In a recent commentary, Monsignor Charles Pope (pastor of Holy Comforter-Saint Cyprian Parish, Washington, DC) reflected on these four qualities, including the Apostles' boldness, their association (with Jesus), and their appropriate assertiveness.

To access Msgr. Pope's complete post, please visit:

Community in Mission: Four Qualities Manifest By The Apostles Just After Pentecost (15 APR 21)

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