28 October 2019

Bishop Tobin on Motivation for Prayer

"My little dog Annie is a great companion and a constant source of joy. And she's always very happy to see me. When I return home from the office or from running some errands, she's always at the door to greet me - jumping, tail wagging, barking excitedly. And then she quickly turns and runs to the place where we keep her favorite treats, to be rewarded accordingly.

"But that routine got me wondering. Is she really happy to see me as her human 'best friend,' or is she excited just because she knows she's getting a treat? Does she really love me, or am I simply a dependable ATM - her 'automatic treat machine?' I guess I'll never know.

"But the inscrutable motivation of Annie's friendly behavior leads to an interesting, more profound reflection about our relationship to God. What is our image of God? Why do we pray?"

In a recent commentary, Bishop Thomas J. Tobin, of the Diocese of Providence (RI), reflected on what our primary motivation is when we pray.

To access Bishop Tobin's complete essay, please visit:

The Imitation of Christ: Is God Your ATM? (24 OCT 19)

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