21 October 2019

Newbury, MA, Student, 10, Aids Clean River Project

"She's an industrious young girl who has a passion for the Merrimack River and a desire to help keep it clean.

"A fifth-grader at Newbury Elementary School, 10-year-old Ava Valianti wanted to do some good for the world she lives in.

"So she created a nonprofit that is now raising money to help the Methuen-based Clean River Project continue its work removing all sorts of junk from the river, including floating debris that would otherwise accumulate along the banks in Haverhill and end up on the beaches of Salisbury and Newburyport."

A recent article in The Eagle-Tribune (Lawrence, MA) profiled Miss Valianti and her clean river ministry.

To access the complete Eagle-Tribune article, please visit:

The Eagle-Tribune: She's got an eye for the river (7 SEP 19)

Background information:

Clean River Project

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