27 October 2019

Msgr. Pope on the Tango as an Image for the Kingdom and the Beauty of Inner Silence

"At a past parish gathering there was a demonstration of different dance styles. One of our young adults, Lola, is a student of classical and ballroom dance. She, along with her dance partner, danced a modest tango in a most elegant way.

"What was most fascinating to me was that Lola kept her eyes shut during the entire dance; I wondered how it was even possible to dance with closed eyes. So I asked her why she did that. Lola responded that it was easier for her to dance that way; it was less distracting. 'I close my eyes so that I can better follow his lead.' She says that this is common in this form of dance. 

"All this made perfect sense to me the moment she said it. Indeed, all of us must learn this lesson in our walk, our dance, with God. . . ."

In a recent commentary, Monsignor Charles Pope (pastor of Holy Comforter-Saint Cyprian Parish, Washington, DC) reflected on how we "must learn to dance with our eyes shut to the world's disruptions and demands lest they distract us from the Lord's lead."

To access Msgr. Pope's complete post, please visit:

Community in Mission: An Image for the Kingdom and the Beauty of Inner Silence in a Tango (22 OCT 19)

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