26 November 2019

Br. Anthony VanBerkum, O.P., on Preparing for the End Times

"As we come to the end of the liturgical year, the Church draws our attention to the end of time. The readings are full of apocalyptic imagery and dire warnings of the coming judgment. Furthermore, we devote the month of November to praying for the dead, reminding us that the end of our own time might be coming even before the stars begin falling out of the sky.

"But Jesus doesn't only have warnings for us; he also has advice. It might not be the advice we expect, though. He doesn't have some secret plan for where to hide when the four horsemen show up, or a one-shot recipe for surviving simultaneous earthquake, famine, and plague. Instead, he advises us, 'by your perseverance you will secure your lives' (Lk 21:19)."

In a recent commentary, Brother Anthony VanBerkum, O.P., reflected on the importance of following the example of Jesus as we persevere, with His grace, through the crosses of life.

To access Br. Anthony's complete post, please visit:

Dominicana: Prepping for the Apocalypse (16 NOV 19)

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