17 June 2024

Bishop Henning on the Challenge of Fatherhood

"Studies have demonstrated over and again that children have their best opportunity to thrive when they enjoy the blessing of a mother and a father. This is not to lessen the heroic contribution of many single parents or other family members who step in to assist. It is to say that we can and should still hope that each child might have good and loving parents who reflect God's gift of creating humanity 'male and female.'

"The state of our society is such that too many children do not have such blessings. . . ."

In a recent commentary, Bishop Richard G. Henning, the bishop of the Diocese of Providence (RI), reflected on fatherhood and some of the qualities needed to meet its challenge

To access Bishop Henning's complete essay, please visit:

The State of Hope: The Challenge of Fatherhood (13 JUN 24)

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