10 June 2024

Bishop Henning on Putting Out into the Deep

"As a child, I spent much of the summertime on or in the waters of the Great South Bay along the south shore of Long Island. I loved crabbing and clamming, swimming and sailing. Because we went as a family to a small island accessible only by boat, I also learned how to operate small boats. Most of my experience was with family or friends in the protected inshore waters of the bay. Those waters could easily 'kick up' in a good wind and form a 'chop' that would rock the boat and make for bumpy progress.

"Having grown comfortable with the waters of the bay, I still remember the first time that I felt the true power of ocean waves. . . ."

In a recent commentary, Bishop Richard G. Henning, the bishop of the Diocese of Providence (RI), reflected on the young people heading out into unknown depths after graduation and offers his prayer that they "'put out into the deep' and know the true power that is the God of love"

To access Bishop Henning's complete essay, please visit:

The State of Hope: Put Out Into The Deep (6 JUN 24)

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