21 June 2024

Ted Watkins on Facing the Storms in Life

"It is one of the shortest but most impactful commands uttered by the saints, the angels, and even Our Lord himself: be not afraid. Whether it be from the mouth of the Archangel Gabriel to Mary, or St. John Paul II to Catholic youth, it is timeless encouragement that's worth pondering. In the context of St. Peter in the storm described in Matthew 14:22-33, this charge challenges us to accept three unavoidable realities of life."

In a recent commentary, writer Ted Watkins reflected on how storms will come in life and on the importance of seeing these storms as opportunities and "getting out of the boat.".

To access Ms. Green's complete post, please visit:

Catholic Exchange: Ted Watkins: Facing the Storms of Life (11 JUN 24)

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