23 June 2024

Lucia Silecchia on the Love of God in Ordinary Time

"Recently, I spent a couple days on an annual getaway to a popular family theme park. Yes, there were long lines, hot weather, overpriced snacks, and crowded hotels. Yet, in the happy exhausting chaos, I caught a glimpse of the love of God.

"The park was filled with parents of young children. It did not take long to see that in the imperfect ways parents showed their love for their children, they were leading them -- and those around them -- to understand more fully the perfect love of God."

In a recent commentary, writer/Professor Lucia A. Silecchia reflected, with a number of examples, how these parents shared their love with their children, and in so doing, reflected a glimpse of God's love."

To access Professor Silecchia's complete post, please visit:

The Pilot: Echoes: Lucia A. Silecchia: The love of God in Ordinary Time (19 JUN 24)

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