25 June 2024

Theresa Civantos Barber on St. Francis de Sales and Being More Content with Life

"St. Francis de Sales was a spiritual giant who famously advocated for lay men and women to become holy in an era when holiness was thought to be reserved for those in religious life.

"But he didn't just speak out about lay sanctity: He actively promoted it through his writing, speaking, and mentorship of lay people he knew."

In a recent commentary based on the writings of St. Francis de Sales, writer Theresa Civantos Barber reflected on how one can bring joy and contentment in his/her vocation, wherever being called by God to serve (including making daily prayer a priority and keeping problems in perspective).

To access Ms. Barber's complete post, please visit:

Aleteia; Theresa Civantos Barber: How to be more content with life with St. Francis de Sales (updated 5 MAY 24)

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