18 June 2024

Br. Patrick Bubel, O.P., on Acts of Faith

"Planning outdoor events in the summer inevitably entails consulting weather reports. Did you hope to go to the beach for the day? Think again! Al Roker just told you there is a 90 percent chance of thunderstorms. While checking the forecast can be helpful, we often agonize over decisions because of weather reports . . . .

"We plan our lives around [weather reports], trusting the information we receive and acting on it.

"Put another way, we make acts of faith in weather reports. We personally do not know what the weather will be - we believe the words of a meteorologist or the percentages from a computer. We trust that the information we receive is true and then act on it, despite the inherent uncertainty with the whole enterprise."

In a recent commentary, Brother Patrick Bubel, O.P., reflected making acts of faith in various things in our day-to-day lives vis-à-vis acts of faith in Goad and things eternal.

To access Br. Patrick's complete post, please visit:

Dominicana: Do You Believe in Weather Reports? (14 JUN 24)

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