14 September 2019

Philip Kosloski on the Catholics Come Home Apostolate

"For the past 20 years the 'Catholics Come Home' apostolate has been responding to St. John Paul II's call for a 'new evangelization' by creating inspiring TV commercials that invite inactive Catholics to return home.

"According to an article in the National Catholic Register, 'With years of prior professional media experience in advertising, CCH founder Tom Peterson prayed, "How do you want to use my life, God?" He believes God prepared him to evangelize to people, but not in the pews. So he produced a media program for the Diocese of Phoenix, resulting in 92,000 people coming to, or back to, the Church.'

"What set Peterson's media program apart was its quality and ability to portray the Catholic Church in a positive light. . . ."

In a recent commentary, writer Philip Kosloski reflected on the Catholics Come Home apostolate and its effects.

To access Mr. Kosloski's complete post, please visit:

Aleteia; Philip Kosloski: Thousands of Catholics return to Mass after watching these TV commercials (7 SEP 19)

Background information:

Catholics Come Home

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