03 June 2024

Bishop Henning on the Sacred Heart of Jesus

"Each year in June, the Church observes the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. The devotion was originally proposed by Father John Eudes in the 1600s and spread far and wide through the witness of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque.

"The devotion is founded upon the biblical truth that God is Love. . . .

"The Sacred Heart devotion also personalizes this truth. Our Lord is the revelation of the Heart of God. Miraculously, the only begotten Son has loved us with a heart of flesh - a heart wounded to deliver us from sin and death."

In a recent commentary, Bishop Richard G. Henning, the bishop of the Diocese of Providence (RI), reflected on God's love as embodied in the Sacred Heart of Jesus..

To access Bishop Henning's complete essay, please visit:

The State of Hope: God is Love (30 MAY 24)

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