04 June 2024

Br. Charles Marie Rooney, O.P., on the Priestly Ministry

"That Almighty God should take any particular interest in human affairs is a marvel that defies full comprehension. God has no needs. He is 'perfectly blessed in himself' (CCC §1). Only 'sheer goodness' could motivate such concern for man.

"That God's Eternal Son descended to live a human life and to die a human death and so merit redemption for every man and woman is a yet more astonishing display of such 'sheer goodness.'

"But God did not stop there. . . ."

In a recent commentary, Brother Charles Marie Rooney, O.P., reflected on the priestly ministry.

To access Br. Charles Marie's complete post, please visit:

Dominicana: The Master Has Need of It (24 MAY 24)

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