06 June 2024

Fr. Paul Colloton, OSFS, on Everyday Holiness

"How often do we sing or say: 'Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of hosts'? For some of us, the answer is weekly; for others, it's daily. We recently had a Mass reading that told us to be holy because the Lord is holy. This led me to reflect on the question, 'What does it mean to be holy'?

"St. Francis de Sales tells us that'“holiness is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.' . . ."

In a recent commentary, Father Paul Colloton, OSFS (Superior, De Sales Centre Oblate Residence, Childs, MD), reflected on the importance of being aware of how the ordinary activities of our lives "become the vehicles through which we become holy and the holiness of God fills our world."

To access Fr.
Colloton's complete reflection, please visit:

De Sales Weekly: Salesian Reflection: Everyday Holiness (6 JUN 24)

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