02 June 2024

Gretchen Crowe on Giving, Receiving, and Recognizing Gifts

"It's birthday month in our home, a time when four of the five of us flip the page that welcomes a new year and a new number. When you throw in Mother's Day, end-of-year events, new sacraments and so on, the cake and ice cream alone has the potential to get wildly out of control. . . .

"These observations have prompted me to spend some time pondering the gifts we encounter in our lives. There are the gifts we receive -- the gifts of life, love and salvation from our Creator; the gifts of care, time and attention from our family members and friends; the gifts of the church and of the sacraments; and those seven gifts of the Holy Spirit poured out on the Apostles and Mary on Pentecost that sustain the moral life of Christians. These also include the material gifts we receive -- those tokens of love and thoughtfulness that, when shared and received in the proper spirit, can strengthen and sustain healthy relationships."

In a recent commentary, writer Gretchen R. Crowe, editor-in-chief of OSV News, reflected on how gratitude, generosity, and humility are the "recipe for true Christian joy and the keys to heaven."

To access Professor Silecchia's complete post, please visit:

The Pilot: Echoes: Gretchen R. Crowe: How to give, receive and recognize gifts (31 MAY 24)

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